Thursday, March 10, 2011

2010-06-21 TAIWAN 台灣 from Paul Choong

~ 台灣屏東
Ping Tung, Taiwan

Thanks for Paul Choong
Sent: 21st June 2010
Received: July 2011

阿美族原名 Pangcah(漢譯邦查),Amis為南方的卑南族對阿美族的稱呼,意為「北方」之意,因此南部的阿美族也會自稱為Amis。經日本學者著作等影響[來源請求],擴大並受統治政府定名為全族族名。


Taiwan Aborigines
The Amis (Chinese: 阿美族; pinyin: āměi-zú; also Ami or Pangcah) are an indigenous people of Taiwan. They speak Amis, an Austronesian language and are one of the thirteen officially recognized peoples of Taiwanese aborigines. The traditional territory of the Amis include the long, narrow valley between the Central Mountains and the Coastal Mountains, the Pacific coastal plain eastern to the Coastal Mountains, and the Hengchun Peninsula.

In the year 2000 the Ami numbered 148,992. This was approximately 37.5% of Taiwan's total indigenous population, making them the largest tribal group. The Amis are primarily fishermen due to their coastal location. They are traditionally matrilineal. Traditional Amis villages were relatively large for indigenous groups, typically between 500 and 1,000. In today's Taiwan, the Amis also comprise the majority of "urban aboriginals" and have developed many "urban tribes" all around the island.




阿美族的傳統節慶有豐年祭、播種祭(小米)、捕魚祭和海祭等等。豐年祭是阿美族重要的祭祀儀式,其重要產相當於漢人的農曆年,會在每年七、八、九月間進行,天數依各部落而異,原則上是由部落長老們決 定。豐年祭中一樣會捕獵、採集或購買食物,並由族人們共聚分食。



Taiwan AMIS Artist 
    同恩 Redecca - 女歌手 

 范逸臣 Van - 男歌手,電影演員

 張震嶽 - 男歌手

    呂建中 Tank - 歌手
 嚴孝銘 - 男演員

 蕭敬騰 Jams - 二分之一阿美族血統男歌手

    羅志祥 - 二分之一阿美血統男歌手、演員

宋少卿 - 二分之一阿美血統相聲藝人

   郭英男 - 阿美族傳統歌謠演唱家

 李泰祥 - 作曲家

 A-Lin - 本名黃麗玲,女歌手

姜聖民 Suming - 男歌手,圖騰樂團主唱之一,金馬獎最佳新人

 楊駿文 - 男歌手,星光五班成員,現為華研旗下藝人

  吳忠明 - 歌手藝人,星光二班成員

 舞思愛 - 星光七班成員

 卢学叡 - 歌手演员,星光一班成員

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